Monday, May 25, 2020

Entrepreneurial Behavior and Perspective - 1553 Words

Name: Junie D. Bonifacio Date: December 1, 2012 Topic Title: Entrepreneurial Behavior and Perspective Material Title: Defining and Measuring Entrepreneurship Summary The reading focuses on the definition of entrepreneurship in different contexts and on measuring the level of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship has been defined differently through neo-classical and economic literatures. Theoretical definitions of entrepreneurship reflect a diverse set of ideas about the role of entrepreneurship in the economy, involving aspects such as innovation, uncertainty-bearing, opportunity-seeking, and management. Entrepreneurship is often used without a precise definition and it may not always be completely clear what the†¦show more content†¦The entrepreneur can be viewed as an owner of a technology producing endeavor that can disrupt current and existing processes in the industry. A new product or technology that has been produced through market study, research and development, product development, and product launch can be an output of an entrepreneur’s venture into an opportunity as a beginning. In the current Philippine setting , I believe the market is saturated mostly by entrepreneurs that are mixture of both Knight’s and Schumpeter’s. An example of a area of entrepreneurship nowadays would be the firms in the Knowledge Process Outsourcing industry and the Business Process Outsourcing Industry. Firms today exercise both concept on a case-to-case basis, depending on the contract with the client and the business that is being undertaken. Deutsche Bank, my current firm would most likely be categorized on both on the Knights and Schumpeter’s, as it executes investment deals and trades across different clients, and on the basis of who is bearing the risk and uncertainty, we could define the bank does create a value proposition for each client differently by applying different approaches. Today, with the very diverse market where we see complexity with overlapping of industries in terms of competition, there would be difficulty applying the general concepts of measuring entrepreneurial activity. A researcher could probably therefore focus on a key area of the specialized measures to give meaningfulShow MoreRelatedEntrepreneurial process paper1422 Words   |  6 Pagesotherwise referred to as the entrepreneurial process. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Analysis Of The Book The Odyssey - 984 Words

Lucius Junius Brutus was the founder of the Roman republic and one of the first consuls of Rome; he was believed to be the ancestor of Marcus Brutus, who was known as one of the leaders of the conspiracy to murder of Julius Caesar. Lucius revolted against the last King Lucius Tarquinius after discovering the rape of Lucretia, which was committed by the king’s son Sextus Tarquinius. Early sources on Lucius Junius are Shakespeare’s works The Rape of Lucretia and The Tragedie of Julius Caesar. Lucius Junius demonstrates his resolve for the republic as he sent his own sons to be executed. Similar to how Greek heroes played an important role to the cities that they are associated with, Lucius Junius was important for Rome’s release from monarchy and the development of the Roman republic. Telemachus, son of the hero Odysseus and Penelope, is one of the main character of Homer’s poem The Odyssey. The first four books of the Odyssey tells Telemachus’ story as he searches for Odysseus after his disappearance after the Trojan War. With the guidance of the goddess Athena, Telemachus travelled to Pylos to visit king Nestor and Sparta to visit King Menelaus and Queen Penelope. The primary source on Telemachus is Homer’s The Odyssey. The theme of The Odyssey is centralized on identity, and similar to Odysseus, Telemachus’ character progressively grows throughout the story. On his journey to Pylos he learned about the importance of loyalty and devotion towards the gods, and hisShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Odyssey 1720 Words   |  7 PagesThe Odyssey Books 1-4 Arà ªte: †¢ Book 1 o Aigà ­sthos lacks arà ªte-â€Å"stole Agamemnon’s wife and killed the soldier on his homecoming day† (53-54) even after Hermes warned him no to o Telà ©makhos shows arà ªte by giving Mentà ªs food gifts before asking his identity- â€Å"irked with himself to think a visitor had been kept their waiting† (150-151) †¢ Book 2 o Penelope shows arà ªte with wit and trickery-â€Å"so every day she wove on the great loom†¦every night by torchlight she unwove it; and so for three years she deceivedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Odyssey 1124 Words   |  5 PagesThe Adventure The Odyssey is one of many great stories passed down through time. The story is written in dactylic hextameter, opening up in the middle of all the action. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation - 735 Words

Cover Page - Institute of Medicine Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research. (2006) National Academies Press. Washington DC: Colten H. R., Altevogt B. M., Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem, Sleep Physiology. Rapid Eye Movement(REM) has been correlated with dreams and sleep physiology. It has been tracked by brain waves and muscle movements. Non-Rem(NREM) sleep is the first phase which occurs for 1-7 minutes and the easiest to be interfered with. The brain begins firing betawaves every 15-30 seconds. After a while the person becomes asleep and breathing regularly between 6-8 seconds in the second stage. The heart rate begins to slow down and so does the blood pressure. In the third stage there are more thetawaves along with sleep spindles(sigma waves) and k-waves. Most of the noise are lock out and the heart rate and blood pressure are decreasing. In the fourth phase there are thetawaves in the appearance of delta waves firing at 1-5 seconds. Th e last and final stage, the person is in their deepest sleep and it is very difficult to wake up. The heart rate and blood pressure are at their lowest and the delta wave are blasting every 1-5 seconds. The source is creditable but it is a second hand research because they use different experiments from past authors. This is going to be use in a research paper because it give plenty of information about sleep and how they believe it has been caused. Dr. Harvey R Colten was a pediatricShow MoreRelatedSleep Deprivation And Sleep Disorders1403 Words   |  6 Pages Children that have trouble getting to sleep at night can suffer greatly in many areas due to sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can also lead to a weaker immune system due to lack of bodily rest. This could also slow down brain growth due to it being active too often. The best way to help the child is to first realize what the main cause of the problem is and seek professional help for that specific disorder. Having a sch edule for night time and keeping it consistent could possibly help aid inRead MoreSleep Deprivation And Sleep Disorders976 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome more about of society there has been a trend in people who are not getting a full night’s rest. According to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, â€Å"at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders† (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems†). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety. As a result, of more American’sRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Sleep Disorders926 Words   |  4 PagesCommission on Sleep Disorders Research, â€Å"at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders† (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems†). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety. As a result of modern technology, there are many people who every now and then don’t sleep well, but there are several who experience what is called sleep deprivation:Read MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Sleep Disorders971 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome more about of society there has been a trend in people who are not getting a full night’s rest. According to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, â€Å"at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders† (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems†). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety. As a result, of more American’sRead MorePsychology Research on Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Disorders1893 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Abstract Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders among college students is an area of concern among researchers, because of the relationship between quality sleep and quality of academic performance. The factors that have been shown to affect sleep quality or sleep patterns include staying up late, using social networking, and partying. This research uses a simple, unique survey instrument. A total of fifty college students participated in the study. Results substantiate the hypothesis that socialRead More Sleep Deprivation and Reduction, Sleep Disorders, and the Drugs used to treat them.1131 Words   |  5 PagesIt is important for everyone to get enough sleep, but many people often ignore it. If people do not get enough sleep they may experience sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can have negative effects. When people do not get enough sleep or less, they may feel crabby and unable to function as well as they usually do the next day. Balancing work and parenting as a single parent in today ’s society is tough. Juggling children, work, taking care of home, and cart the children to extracurricular activitiesRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Teenagers939 Words   |  4 Pagesschedule for teenagers can cause many problems such as sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation in teenagers can cause a lot of problems, in addition to that sleep deprivation is the leading cause of sleep disorders and depression. Sleep deprivation in teenager can have negative effects in their lives, especially academically and socially. There are different causes of sleep deprivation, two of the main causes are, Technology and Sleep Disorders. Teenagers in today’s society students are plague withRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On The Body798 Words   |  4 Pagestasks? Sleep is the answer to this question. What is sleep? Sleep is when the human body is unconscious. Once unconscious the body will restore the energy it needs for the next day. Sleep is vital to everyone. A human body needs sleep to restore the powers of the body. Some causes of being sleep deprived include a poor diet, stress, and hormonal imbalances. The effects of sleep deprivation include health problems, and depression. First of all, there are several causes of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivationRead MoreOn Some School Nights, I Have A Rough Time Trying To Fall1052 Words   |  5 Pagesfactors were resulted by the lack of sleep, or sleep deprivation. Many more harmful problems can result from sleep deprivation, such as sleep disorders, difficulty driving, and physical and mental effects on students. In which case, students wouldn’t want sleep deprivation affecting their academic grades and education in school. Therefore, students in high school should be allowed to sleep for a longer period of time on school nights or else sleep deprivation will affect the students’ education andRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay883 Words   |  4 PagesOutline Sleeping Deprivation General Purpose: To inform. Specific purpose: Sleep is a precious gift that allows people to rest. Not getting enough rest on a constant basis can lead to greater problems, even death Organizational Pattern: Introduction I. Blame It On the Light Bulb.  Ã‚  College students and individuals around the world are suffering from a health problem that can be more detrimental to their health than some forms of cancer.  Ã‚  What is it?  Ã‚  Sleep Deprivation II. People are

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Global Leadership & Organizational Behavior-Myassignementhelp

Question: Identify and discuss the cultural similarities and differences between Brazil, Malaysia and USA illustrated in the case. Answer: Introduction The GLOBE Project stands for Global Leadership Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Project. This project has generated important research findings in the area of culture and leadership. This project has investigated the relationship between the cultural values, leadership, human condition, competitiveness of the societies and organizational practices across 62 countries in the world. This project has identified nine elements of cultural dimensions that have an impact on the organization practices in these 62 countries which include performance orientation, uncertainty avoidance, assertiveness, humane orientation, in-group collectivism, institutional collectivism, gender egalitarianism and future orientation (GLOBE Project, 2009). This report emphasizes on 5 elements of the cultural dimension such as future orientation, performance orientation, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and institutional collectivism and its impact on the online marketing strategies of Alizee airlines i n three countries namely Brazil, USA and Malaysia. Similarities and Differences in culture in Brazil, Malaysia and USA Cultural Dimensions/ Country Brazil Malaysia USA Power Distance High High High Performance Orientation Low Average High Uncertainty Avoidance Low Low Low Future Orientation Low Low Low Institutional Collectivism Low Average Low It is indicated from the above table that there is a presence of high degree of power distance in all the three countries i.e. Brazil, Malaysia and USA. This implies that the societies are classified into different classes. Besides this, there is an availability of the required resources to only few people. Along with this, the relevant information is not shared among the people in order to enhance their knowledge and skills. Along with this, The people in the society has a limited movement towards high social status. Limited people have an authority to provide order to the people of the country. Along with this, the information is dispersed from the centre to lower divisions (GLOBE Project, 2009). Besides this, the countries also has a similarity on the cultural dimension uncertainty avoidance, there is a presence of low uncertainty avoidance. In these countries people prefer to communicate with each other in an informal manner. Besides this, people rely on informal norms for taking informed decisions. People resist changing in a moderate manner. Along with this, companies in these countries take high risks in order to generate high profits. Besides this, people tend to keep few records of the information available in an orderly form. These countries have low future orientation which entails that the people in these countries believe in spending more money in comparison to save it. Organizations in these countries tend to remain rigid in the implementation of different policies and procedures to gain increased profits. Besides this, the entities consider the success achieved in terms of money to be separated from the spiritual fulfillment. In addition to this performance orien tation provides the information related to the degree of the entities to encourage reward, high standards and performance improvement. Brazil has low performance orientation which indicates that people in the country emphasizes on building strong societal and family relationships (GLOBE Project, 2009). Besides this, the formal feedback received from the stakeholders is considered as judgmental People tend to involve in indirect and subtle form of communication. Besides this, there is a high value of the people rather than their efforts. In contrast to this, USA has high performance orientation as organizations have culture to provide training and development to employees in order to upgrade and create new skills and knowledge in order to increase their productivity. Besides this, formal feedback is given to employees which become a basis for improvement in their performance. The importance is given to the efforts made by the people rather their position in the organization. Along with this, organizations give importance to become competitive which results in increasing their performance in the market. There is an occurrence of the communication among different parties in direct and explicit form (GLOBE Project, 2009). Institutional collectivism reflects the degree of encouraging collective distribution of resources and provision of reward to collective action by adopting different institution practices by the organizations. Brazil has a low degree of institutional collectivism which indicates that members of the organization are independent of the organization. Along with this, the important decisions are made at the individual level. Rewards are provided to individuals for their contribution made to achieve the group aims and objectives. The main aim of the economic system is to maximize the interests of the individuals. Along with this, organizations and people emphasize on achievement of the individual goals at the expense of group goals (GLOBE Project, 2009). Effect of Similarities and Differences in culture in Brazil, Malaysia and USA Brazil has low future orientation that implies that the consumers and non-consumers of Alizee take into consideration the price and place and season as a factor to make a choice of a suitable flight. Consumers prefer the flights that provides good offer as people tend to spend money rather saving it for the future. In case of Malaysia, the consumers and non-consumers of Alizee takes into consideration the cost, destination and advance plan to take a trip to make decision related to make a choice of the flight. Besides this, non consumers of Alizee also take into consideration the long term and short term wealth and promotional techniques adopted by the company. In case of USA, the consumers consider wealth management and planning of the trips in advance. Besides this, the non-consumers of Alizee in USA take into consideration the long term orientation and flexibility to reach goals to make a decision related to the choice of flights. The buying behavior of some of the consumers of Alizee in Brazil is affected by performance orientation i.e. consumers consider the efforts made by the company to increase its sales. In addition to this, the factors consider by the consumers to buy the tickets of flight of the airline is the price offered for online services, flight connections and implementation user friendly innovations. For the non consumer group the aspects of performance orientation are not relevant to affect their buying decision. The factors to be considered in performance orientation by non consumers include price offered to buy a flight service online, reliability and user friendly features. In contrast to it, the performance orientation in Malaysia indicates that the consumers consider ease of use, reputation and reliability of the airline. In addition to this, the non consumer group put emphasis on innovation, performance, high standards and excellence along with the features mentioned by the consumers of Alizee in Malaysia. In case of USA, the factors considered by the consumers and non consumers in relation to performance orientation are reliability safety, excellence and performance at the time of making online transaction with the airline. In Brazil, with respect to institutional collectivism, consumers and non consumers gather information from the external sources such as forums, blogs and other travel related websites for the purpose of making decisions related to online airline services. In contrast to this, the consumers and non-consumers of Malaysia gather information related to the online services provided by the airline is gathered from family and friends. In a similar manner, the consumers and non consumers in USA have take an opinion of friends and families to make a decision related to making a buying decision of online airline services. Along with this, they also take an individualistic approach for making decisions. In relation to power distance, the consumers and non-consumers of Brazil consider that the company makes a use of newsletter, e-mails and promotions with targeting helps in communicating the information related to the features of the products and services offered by the company. In contrast to this, Malaysia, the power distance dimension seem irrelevant as the companys online efforts are targeted towards the people who travel often. The efforts are targeted towards groups as well as individuals. In addition to this, online promotional efforts are directed towards business people and travelers. In relation to uncertainty avoidance, the consumers and non consumers of Brazil stated that they would prefer to buy airline tickets of other companies as they offer cheap prices and good quality of services as compared to Alizee. In addition to this, in Malaysia, the consumers and non consumers consider the efforts made by the company as risk taking, planning, self-protection and structure. In USA, the consumers and non consumers has a tendency to buy tickets online as they do it in a regular manner and the other factors include structure and avoidance of unexpected events. Recommendations It is recommended that the most common channel that should be used by the Alizee company in Brazil is its website. It is essential for the company to provide relevant information regarding the features of the products and services offered by the company. Besides this, it also includes information regarding the availability status, comparison of the prices with products of other companies and safe online payment system so that existing and potential consumers can buy the products by the use of online mode. Customers prefer to buy tickets online by the use of websites as it is considered as the safe and secure channel, although consumers have shift their focus towards the use of mobiles, e-mails, tablets and extra functionality provided by the desktop. The company uses e-mails to display advertisements of the products offered by the company. This has provided a positive response in terms of increase in the customer base and sales of the company. It is recommended that the company shoul d provide a mobile application to customers which includes several features which facilitates them to make payment, order and avail the products and services offered by the company. It is also suggested that the Alizee company should design its website in such a way that help consumers and non-consumers to buy the products and services online in Malaysia. Besides this, it should also provide a facility to resolve the issues faced by the consumers and non consumers through website 24*7. This facilitates in increasing the customer base of the company. Along with this, the company should use other online means to increase the reach of the products and services to existing and potential consumers such as telephone, mobiles, telephone, social media and so on. Nowadays, customers prefer to use internet for the purpose of buying different products and services offered by the company due to its convenience, comfort and increased speed. It is also suggested that the company should display advertisements on different social media sites which helps in spreading awareness among the potential customers. This facilitates in developing positive image among the customers. This results in increasing the sales and profits of the company. Besides this, the company should use personalized information to communicate with the consumers which results in building a sense of belongingness with the company. However, customers least prefers mobile phones to be used for the purpose of booking tickets of the airline due to presence of security and safety issues. It is suggested that the company should implement advanced technology in order to build a positive perception among the customers regarding the usage of mobile phones to book the tickets. In addition to this, it is recommended that the company should design its website in such a manner that it becomes user friendly for the consumers of USA. This is because, consumers do not prefer mobile phones to book a ticket in the airline as it is not considered safe and secure by the customers. It is advisable to the company that it should send personalized messages to existing and potential customers which results in increasing the loyalty level of customers towards the company. It is also recommended that the advertisements published should spread clear message regarding the products and services offered by the company. Conclusion It is concluded that the company takes into consideration different cultural dimensions for the purpose of adopting different promotional and marketing strategies for the purpose of increasing the customer base and sales in three countries namely Brazil, Malaysia and USA. it can also be concluded that there is a presence of similarities and differences in different cultural dimensions pointed by GLOBE Project in these three countries due to which the company has to adopt different strategies for the purpose of sustain in the market Reference GLOBE Project. (2009). Leadership Dimensions: Culture and Leadership. Retrieved June 16 2017 from